Thứ Bảy, 14 tháng 11, 2015

Our Ultimate Dating Advice for Women!

Dating Advice for Women
Are you wondering why every man that comes into your life never sticks around? Or are you looking to find your Mr. Right who will put a ring on your finger fast? Do you want to know what would make every man that you may go out on a date with want to put a ring on it? If so, you have definitely come to the right place. Congratulations! Taking the time to read this article will benefit you a great deal in regards to your next relationship. From understanding how men think concerning women and relationships, to knowing the DOs for maintaining a healthy relationship, this article will teach you how to make your relationship work. It's time you put aside cramming those daft pick-up lines for women just to grab his attention. Do you want to "Read" him? Click here to discover how to sneak into his mind and control his thoughts

How Men Think when It Comes to Love and Relationships

They say men are from Mars women are from Venus, so basically they both can't have the same school of thoughts with regards to love and relationships. Do you ever wonder what your man thinks or how he really feels about you? This is an example. If so, then you should understand the way a man’s mind works and you will be able to read him like a book. The following paragraphs share a few secrets on how men think;

1)Men Think They Are the Protectors

Men regard themselves as the protectors. Ever since time immemorial, they have always provided protection for women and their families. Restore that instinct in him and he will adore you for it. Men love to please women, be it his girlfriend, spouse or a gorgeous woman they might bump into on the street. Let your man assist you and he will appreciate you for boosting his ego.

2) Men Think They Are Emotionally Strong

Men love to think they are emotionally strong but they aren’t. Although they have a huge ego, that ego can be hurt and broken easily. And once it is broken, it takes a long time for them to rekindle it. So, avoid doing or saying things that would hurt your man’s ego, he will hate you for it. And in the end, both of you will suffer from the consequences. Of course you may sometimes hurt his ego without knowing, making him not to want to talk or be around you. In such as case, don’t retaliate, women are notorious for this! What you should do is to help him nurse his ego back to life, and you will have a happy relationship. Learn 5 Tips How to Get Him to Commit Without Going Out of Your Way

3) Men Think Women Should Equally Makes the First Move

Contrary to popular belief, men like women who are not afraid to make the first move. Taking an initiative to ask a man out first before he does makes him feel charming and desired. This can boost his ego and make him feel adequate for you. Apart from this, it may make his life easier when it comes to wooing you.Women should not buy into the myth that men don’t appreciate women who make the first move. It is primitive to think that women who ask a guy out are too easy to get.

Dating Tips for Women

1) Do Something about Your Look

Dress to impress. Put on some nice and comfortable outfits. Make your hair look neat and gorgeous, completing your look with a simple make up. You should know What You Should Never Ever Wear to a Date.

2) Avoid Blabbering

When you meet your date for the first time, do not reveal too much about yourself no matter how excited you are. Sharing your entire life story the first time you meet might ruin everything.

3) Stay Away from Alcohol

Women feel the effects of alcohol faster and stay intoxicated longer than men. You don't want to lose control and embarrass yourself in front of him. Have you read this guide: 11 Dinner Date Tips: Do and Don’t (infographic)

4) Showcase Your Best

Be nice and polite to both your date and those around you.

5) Be Honest

Honesty is always the best policy. If you expect to build relationship with this man, be honest at all costs.

6) Be Patient

This one slightly contradicts the point we discussed about not being afraid to make the first move. However, regardless of how charming and amazing your date turned out to be, play hard to get but in moderation. After thanking him for the dinner, wait for him to call/text you back when you get home to thank you for turning out. If he doesn't do so after 2 weeks, then it simply means he does not deserve you. [signup id=17]

Thứ Sáu, 6 tháng 11, 2015

Secrets Revealed: How to Attract Him and Keep Him!

I have lady friends and we like spending time together when we are all free. Weekends are our best times as we wind away from a busy week. Well, it happens that we talk so much about anything that affects us as ladies. A good number of us are dating but a few are currently not dating. They have either broken up the relationship or their men have walked away, and they do not know exactly why it keeps happening to them while the rest of us have been dating for years without a single break up. This got us talking about the ways to attract the right kind of men and keep them by our sides.

I’m pretty sure you want to date a Mr right and keep him beyond marriage. Every lady wants that but sometimes that is not what you get. You may have not done anything grossly wrong, but you lost your recent date who had even promised you an engagement ring before Christmas. Being a lady, I know how it feels to lose a good date. It is embarrassing and you always feel that there is something wrong with you. It may not be so; you may be doing it all wrong out of ignorance. I do not want this to continue happening to you; here is how to catch him and keep him for as long as you want.

IMPORTANT: Do this to attract and keep him by your side: 

      You need a little mystery but do not always play hard to get: 

      Sometimes ladies try so much to impress men that they give out everything about them on the first date. You will kill their interest in you if you come along so shallow. They will be left with nothing else to learn about you for the next date. Be spare in what you say about yourself. Leave so much to be desired for the next time. You have to keep a man guessing on so many things about you. However, do not confuse this with playing hard to get. Do not say yes the first day but explain why you need sometime. Next time give something more but do not push it too far to scare him away. Read more about this at this guide: 5 Tips how to get him to commit without going out of your way.

·     Do not bring forth your past insecurities: you may have been hurt in the past and the pain may still be lingering when this man comes into your life. Men are not the same and you will be hurting your feelings if you are afraid that this relationship may end up the same as your previous one. Take it with ease and try to learn about the new date. You will be able to notice any red flags of a bad relationship early enough to call it quits. But if you want a man to be attracted to you and stay then you have to forget about your bad past and start it anew with this one. This may be the best chance you will ever have for a date which will lead to marriage. There is something I called ultimate dating advice from devil. Make sure you check this DON'T list at your date!

·     Show commitment: after your third or fourth date with a man, you already know whether he is into you. How commitment works for men? If he has shown dedication to be by your side, it is your turn to make the right move. Start to show some commitment to him. If you used to spend your time with the girls, you have to spare some weekends for him too. Go over to his place and cook for him. Stay over the night and show him that all you want is to be with him. He will reciprocate by dedicating more of his time and everything to be with you. Every time do something that will emphasize your commitment. 

·     You do not have to try too hard: I know good men are hard to come by but yours is somewhere there waiting you to attract him. In trying too hard to impress a man, you become careless and this is the time you are vulnerable to making dating mistakes that will turn him off. You will devalue yourself by trying to chase him and he will slip away from your fingers. Men like ladies who value themselves. Do not let your guard down and you will attract the right kind of man. Let's become a man magnet instead: 5 qualitites that men looks for in women and what attracts men the most

·     Be genuine: one thing with men is that they know when you are faking feelings or a relationship with them. They know you are just acting to get their attention. You will not attract any man if you are not yourself. May be you get a one-night stand and it all ends there. Be yourself: react the way you would in normal situations, get angry and be happy when it deems necessary. He will like the real you and things may get going a long way and who knows, may be a ring on your finger. If you want to play flirting game, be sure you get this and this

·     You are the one to be wooed: it is the 21st century and women can freely woo men. Yes you can but I’m not sure you will be sending the right message. You want a man to yourself and keep him interested so throwing the bait to him is not the right path to this desire. Let a man notice and come to you by these Great Body Language Signs that are Bound to Get You any Guy and 6 Flirting Techniques for Women Lead You To a Date. From there on you can show him how much you want him. Until then, just keep doing things as if you do not notice the many eyes on you as you walk down the alley. 

·     Find satisfaction in what you have: do not bring in your ideal world in every relationship you get into. Sometimes it is better to see the positive sides and forget about the negatives. You will grow stronger and your man will be attracted to you even more. Men want women who will complement them but not someone who complains virtually about everything. 

Just to make sure you now know how to catch him and keep him, here is a recap of what we’ve said. Be yourself, do not try really hard, do not give it all about yourself on your first date, keep some level of mystery about you, and be wooed not you wooing. Ladies, you deserve a good man so go out there and have a great date that will last, won’t you?

Thanks for reading this article. You may find more practical relationship advice and date tips for women about how to attract him and keep him at Make sure you download your copy How to Get a Man to Love You - the Incredible 7 Step Guide for free. It shows you how to speak his language so that he really listens and understands you.

7 Steps How to Get Him to Commit to a Relationship

When you exchanged vows with your spouse, you promised each other that you would to stay together till death do you part. What happened after that you’re in a point of considering a divorce? What happened that you man is no longer unable to commit himself to the relationship? How to get him to commit without going out of your way?
Basically, if you can remember in the first place what made you fall in love, you can learn how to save your relationship by paying attention to the simple tips that will be mentioned in this write up.

Tips on How to Get Him to Commit to a Relationship

Tip#1: Scheduling Some Time Together:

Turn off your television, your instant messenger and your cell phones, sit down together and listen to each others opinion. Share with your spouse your feelings and listen to him/her share his/her views to you. Taking your time and composing a love letter to your spouse explaining to him or her how much you love them can really assist you in your attempt to make him be committed to you. Emphasizing your significant other’s best qualities will remind your spouse what made you fall in love in the first place.

Tip#2: Planning a Date:

Many couples after marriage usually get comfortable with each to the extent that they end up stopping going out together. You can easily re- energize your relationship by planning a date with your spouse.Be sure you know greatest dating mistakes you could be making without your knowledge and the worst dating ideas for women in the history!

Tip#3: Doing Something for Yourself:

What attracts men the most? If you are feeling self- conscious about your body, you are probably going to reflect that to the love of your life. Create a workout program to assist you lose weight and ensure that you eat a balanced diet. The aim is to do something which will make you feel better about yourself. For instance, you can ALSO spend a night at the spa or purchase yourself a new outfit. This will refresh your mind and in the end you’ll come out with tips that will help out in saving your relationship.

Tip#4: Making your Spouse to be your Number One Priority:

With your work and children demanding your constant attention, it is very easy to ignore your spouse in your life. But once your spouse is demanding for a divorce or if he is no loner committing himself to the relationship, take a moment everyday and let him know that you are thinking about him every moment throughout the day. Check our ultimate dating advice for women for more tips about this topic.

Tip#5: Making a List Bothering your Relationship:

Make a list of all the things which bother you in your spouse. Also, have your spouse make his list too. It’s ideal that you try as much as you can to be honest when writing the things you do not like. However, try not to create cold wars with your spouse but write the various things you feel you’re not getting from the relationship as well as the things which you do not like which your spouse often does. When you’re done with writing the list, read them to each other and discuss with your spouse the things which you think truly bother you. While doing that, try not to complain about every little thing, but do honestly talk about the various things that normally make you unhappy.
If there are things you know you can live without, inform your man. Also, if your spouse often does things which you think you cannot tolerate any more, let him know. But you must also be prepared to listen and understand your spouse’s side also. There were some reasons make men pulled away. For you to get your feelings concerning your marriage out on the table, you must make sure that you are receptive to your spouse’s feelings and thoughts. Vow to be open to what your spouse says and ask him to do the same. Basically, having an open communication concerning your relationship is among the best ways you can use to make your it better. For your information, check this article: how commitment works for men

Tip#6: Loving and Respecting your Spouse:

Respect and love your spouse, even if you are upset with him. Generally, giving your partner loving affection and attention is one great way you can use to fix your unhappy relationship. Most relationships often fail because one of the spouses is not getting the attention he/she requires. Vowing to treat your partner with gratitude and respect will assist fix an unhappy relationship and in the long run will make it better.
This may turn out to be a tough task, most especially if you have felt that you have not been given love and affection in the first place. Try to be the better person and the first one to give love and affection. You may just realize later that your spouse may have been craving for this love and affection. If this does not work, talk to your spouse and let him know that you’re really trying to make things better and would love if he would do the same. Also let your spouse know that you really adore him and want to make your relationship work. Be respectful to your partner and treat him kindly. In case you find yourselves arguing, do not call him names, yell or put him down but speak your mind in a respectful and calming manner.

Tip#7: Seeking Counseling:

When all else fails, there is always the last option, i.e. seeking counseling. Generally, marital issues may sometimes fail to be solved via dialogue. This is the time when you require finding resolution in couple’s therapy. A counselor can assist both partners listen to one another, discuss about their issues, and find a solution to their issues.
A marriage counselor can also suggest ideas to assist without telling you what you should do in your relationship to make it better. Note that a counselor is often meant to assist couples find their own solutions by talking to one another and discovering for the couples some of the things affecting their relationship which they did not realize.
If you or your spouse is not comfortable going to a relationship counselor, try talking to any close friend who can assist you both. Also, get suggestions from any other person who’ve been in a working relationship and has been through what you are going through. It is perfectly fine to seek assistance with your relationship and in fact, is usually necessary.
Thanks for reading this article. You may find more practical relationship advice and date tips for women about how to attract him and keep him at Make sure you download your copy How to Get a Man to Love You - the Incredible 7 Step Guide for free. It shows you how to speak his language so that he really listens and understands you.